
By Aaron Jackson

Within the last 5 years, we have experienced a drastic increase in the amount of youth who choose to use electronic cigarettes, or E-cigs for short. E-cigs are also loosely referred to as vapes, vape pens, e-hookahs, or other nicknames. E-cigs originally came to the U.S in the late 2000s, but began to gain popularity during the early 2010s. Originally, e-cigs were created with an intention to help cigarette smokers put down the cigarettes for a more healthy alternative. Subsequently, since many of these devices have a very appealing appearance, a wide array of delicious flavors, and very easy accessibility and mobility, they have been very influential on young people across the nation. 

    In recent news, there have been over 380 possible cases of lung illness across 36 states and 1 territory in the United States. There has even been 6 recorded deaths due to a history of vaping. Most of the severe cases have involved patients previously using vapes that contain nicotine and THC. In various e-cigs, there are numerous harmful ingredients that are at play. Many vapes contain ultrafine particles, flavorings such as diacetyl, and even volatile organic compounds. Many e-cigs also contain heavy metals such as nickel, tin, and lead. As mentioned before, many e-cigs contain a traceable amount of nicotine which can be highly addictive, especially in teens and young adults. 

    One of the most popular brands of e-cigarettes are called juuls. These e-cigs were founded in 2015, and have completely saturated the entire market. Since they are very small and look like USB drives, they are some of the most convenient and simple for youth to use. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see numerous college students walking around with juuls in their hand or even keeping one in their shirt pocket. Furthermore, many high school students even congregate within the bathrooms and locker rooms of their schools in order to get a quick fix. That is why recently, some schools within the U.S are implementing “vape detectors” in order to crack down and address this nationwide crisis. It has been reported that young people who decide to smoke e-cigs are more likely to smoke cigarettes in the future. Currently, it has also been reported that the usage of e-cigs are shockingly higher within high school students vs. adults. 

    Recently, the state of Michigan decided to put a ban on all flavored e-cigarettes. The Trump administration is also currently working to put a nationwide ban on various flavored e-cigarettes. Many steps are being made to free Americans from this growing epidemic of vaping. It is also widely suggested that parents should actively communicate with their child or teenager to understand and evaluate if they are  possibly experimenting with e-cigarettes or vapes. If you or a loved one are struggling to quit smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes, you can visit https://teen.smokefree.gov/ for more information.  Counselors are available at the FFC Center to discuss ways that we may be able to help you, your teen, and your family. For support call us at 214-475-0345. 

  1. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/Quick-Facts-on-the-Risks-of-E-cigarettes-for-Kids-Teens-and-Young-Adults.html
  2. https://e-cigarettes.surgeongeneral.gov/

The FFC Center was founded in 2011 in Frisco TX, with a focus of providing quality counseling support to children, teens, adults, and families. We offer concierge counseling services, clinics, and exclusive membership resources and classes that encourage our clients to Recover Strong, Live Fully, and Thrive Unleashed.

Shahidrah Cowgill – who has written posts on Fundamental Foundations Counseling Center.